Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Employee Letter and Email Examples
Employee Letter and Email ExamplesEmployee Letter and Email ExamplesNo matter what your job, you will need to correspond professionally with your boss, colleagues, and/or your employees throughout your career. Sometimes this will involve sending a physical letter, other times it will only require a quick schmelzglas. Make sure you know the basic rules for sending polite and professional letters and emails. Also check out the letter and email examples below. Use these as templates for starting your own katecheses. Tips for Writing Employee Letters and Emails Decide the right method. When deciding whether to send a physical letter or an email, think carefully about the situation. If time is of the essence (for example, if you have a family emergency and need to take the day off), email is likely the best choice. If time is bedrngnis as important, and you want to be official, you might send a formal business letter. Send it to the right people. Think about who needs to receive your message. If you are quitting your job or firing someone, you might need to send the message not only to the specific person, but also to someone in human resources. If you are sending a goodbye email to your coworkers, consider sending individual messages to each person. Be professional. Even if you are sending a quick message, make sure your tone is always polite and professional. Avoid unprofessional language (such as slang or abbreviations), emojis, and distracting fonts and formats. When the content of the message is business-related, use a businesslike tone. Include an appropriate greeting and closing. Whether sending an email or letter, include a professional greeting that includes the persons name. Also include a closing and a polite signature. If it is an email, include an email signature with your contact information. If it is a written letter, include a handwritten signature. Keep it brief. Keep your message as short as possible. You might include a brief introduction, suc h as, I hope your day is going well. Then, quickly dive into your reason for writing. Include only the essential information. The message should be no longer than a brief paragraph or two (especially if it is an email). If you keep it short, the recipient will be more likely to read it. Edit, edit, edit. Always thoroughly proofread your message for spelling and grammar errors before sending it. Professional emails should always be clear and easy to read. Work-Related Letter and Email Samples For a Job Well Done Its always a great feeling to deliver good news or congratulate colleagues on their successes. And, unlike in-person best wishes, a colleague can save a letter or email to look at later. With emails of appreciation, you can even copy managers and other colleagues to spread the good news. Here are a few examples to help you get the wording just right. Appreciation Email MessageCongratulations Note ExamplesPromotion CongratulationsEmployee Thank You Letters ...And No t So Well Done If you have to deliver bad news, whether to a job applicant or an existing employee, these sample letters will help. When it comes to writing letters with bad news dont bury the message. Put the essential information (e.g.,Unfortunately, you did not get this job.orDue to a downturn in orders, we are reducing all employees salaries by 10 percent.)in the first paragraph or even the first sentence of the letter. Be direct and to-the-point in your wording. Recipients should be able to quickly absorb the news. Candidate Rejection Email MessageCandidate Rejection LetterSalary Reduction LetterTermination Letter For the Job Applicant If youre applying for a new job, these examples should help you draft a well-worded request for a reference, an interview, and more. This list also includes ways to respond when a company makes you an offer. Asking for a Reference Email MessageLetter of Interest ExamplesAccept a Job OfferCounter-Offer Email MessageDecline a Job Offer Job Promotion or Transfer Heres help for when youre trying to snag a new position within the company you work for, whether you want to get promoted or transfer to a different position or location. Job Promotion Cover LetterJob Transfer Request LetterJob Transfer Request Letter Example - Relocation Welcoming a New or Returning Employee Whether youre making an initial job offer or welcoming an employee back from an extended leave, here are some samples of what you might say. This kind of letter can really help set the tone for new (or returning) employees, as well as making the transition into the workplace a smooth one. Job Offer LetterWelcome Aboard LetterWelcome Back from Maternity Leave LetterWelcome Back from Sick Leave Letter I Need a Change What do you want? mora money? A permanent position? Youll find the words in these sample letters. Ask for a Raise LetterRequest for a Raise Email MessageSalary Increase LetterTemp to Perm Cover Letter Example Work From Home Requests When youre requesting to work from home on a regular or temporary basis, you need to convey exactly what you want, along with how this change can actually benefit the company. These examples show you how. Work From Home Request LetterWork From Home Request Letter - Part TimeWork From Home Request Letter - Relocation When Youve Missed Work Here are a few ways you can explain why you didnt make it into the office, whether due to a sick day, emergency, or just sleeping through the alarm clock. Absent from Work Email MessageLate for Work Apology LetterSick Day Email Message When Youre Leaving Your Job These examples have you covered, from turning in your resignation to saying goodbye to your co-workers. Remember No matter how you feel about the company youre leaving, be gracious and polite in your goodbye message. Farewell Message to Co-WorkersGoodbye LetterResignation Letters When Your Employee Is Leaving Heres how to officially accept a resignation as well as write a refe rence for a former employee or colleague. We also show you how to verify that a current or former employee was employed by your company. Accept a ResignationEmployment Verification LetterEmail Reference Letters Emails and Letters for Difficult Situations These examples should help when finding the right words is especially difficult. Apology for Behavior LetterApology for a Mistake EmailSympathy Letter
Thursday, December 26, 2019
How not to worry 7 powerful secrets from mindfulness
How elend to worry 7 powerful secrets from mindfulnessHow leid to worry 7 powerful secrets from mindfulnessWe all worry. At one point or another, almost one-third of people have dealt with a level of anxiety that would qualify as a disorder.From The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook for Anxiety a survey of almost ten thousand people across the United States found that with the exception of substance-use disorders, anxiety disorders are the most common mental health diagnosis. In fact, almost one-third of people surveyed had experienced at least one anxiety disorder at some point in their lives (Kessler et al. 2005).Now anxiety and fear are different. Fear is what you feel, in the moment, when someone comes at you with a knife. Fear makes a lot of sense.But anxiety is about the anticipation of an event. Your brain starts asking what if too many times, and comes up with a lot of answers it doesnt like. But you dont know the future. That what if may not even happen. And even if you have a solution, you cant be sure it will work because your crystal ball is on the fritz. So anxiety is often problem solving - but without the solving parte.And in the meantime, youre lost in thoughts - negative ones - and missing out on the world around you. Chronic worrying is like being on your phone all the time but the screen is showing you a horror movie where youre the main character. And even if your worries arent that badeanstalt, if youre focused on them, youre not focused on your life. Youre missing out on a lot of potentially fun moments and giving the people you care about only a fraction of your attention. Real life becomes background noise because youre focused on the endless horror film.So, inevitably, you try and push the worries out of you head, which is inherently problematic because to be vigilant about not thinking about something, your brain needs to keep it in mind. So the pushing away game is like weightlifting for worries they come back at you wit h bulging biceps and striated delts. The thoughts just get stickier. So what can you do?From The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook for AnxietyRather than passing through our minds, coming in and then slipping back out, worry thoughts are sticky. In fact, thats why we attach to them. Its kind of like we get deckenfries to them as they enter our minds and then have difficulty separating ourselves from them. Therefore, one of the most useful skills for dealing with worrisome thoughts is the DBT mindfulness skill of noticing thoughts without attaching to, reacting to, or acting on them (Linehan 1993b).If you wanted little stop-worrying tips like, Oh, think happy thoughts and have some soothing chamomile tea you have come to the wrong place. If youre a chronic worrier, thats like taking aspirin to treat cancer. Instead, were gonna nuke this thing from orbit and watch the ashes dance.Our weapon of choice? A few concepts from Dialectical Behavior Therapy. Originally created by D r. Marsha Linehan at the University of Washington, it has shown fantastic results in treating everything from anxiety to depression and is the first line treatment for problems as serious as Borderline Personality Disorder - which had previously been regarded as untreatable.It hits your worries with the one-two punch of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and mindfulness. If the ancient Stoics and Buddhists had gang signs, Id be throwing them up right now - once again, those guys were ahead of their time.This is not an overnight solution but its one that actually works. Those troubling thoughts may be sticky - but with a little work we can give you a teflon mind.Roll up your sleeves. We have work to do Build your mindfulness musclesIf you want to be more mindful, you need to remember three words acceptance, attention, and labeling.Push back against your worries and they get stronger. So accept their presence. You dont need to accept their speculative doom-and-gloom scenarios as inevitab le you just need to accept that the worries are here and stop trying to serve them mental-eviction-notices that theyll ignore.From The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook for AnxietyBy accept, we dont mean surrender, give up, or even like or enjoy your experiences we simply mean stopping the constant struggle to run away or escape from your experiences and allowing them to be what they are. You can accept something and totenstill work to change it. In fact, to successfully change something in your life, you may need to accept it firstNext is attention. Where is yours? Laser focused inward on those awful future possibilities that may not even occur. Where is your attention not? Here. Here being the world around you. Youre ignoring life and lost in thought. (You might think you have a terrible attention span but youre wrong. You have a near-infinite attention span when it comes considering horrible things that probably wont even happen.)So get out of your thoughts and focus o n the world around you. Those what-ifs arent real. The people around you are. Granted, when youve had little practice at it, consistently shifting your attention like this is really hard to do. And thats where labeling comes in.Always remember you are not your thoughts. You think all kinds of crazy stuff and dismiss most of it. But with emotional stuff we tend to undergo cognitive fusion - we think that we are the thoughts and feelings. If you broke your arm, youd say my arm is broken not I am broken. And so the correct response to worrying thoughts is there are worries not I am worried.When a worry pops up, label it as a worrying thought. Its not you. Do not identify with it and let it overtake you.From The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook for AnxietyOne of the reasons human beings tend to get so attached to and caught up in worrisome thoughts is that we buy into these thoughts as literally true. Rather than recognizing that these worries are simply thoughts our minds generated that may or may not be true or accurate, we believe our thoughts and take them to be the truth. Therefore, labeling a thought as just a thought is one way to keep yourself from buying into your thoughts or responding as if they were true.So every day, spend a few minutes being mindful. Your worries are like a passenger next to you on the bus. You cant shove them out of the vehicle. You accept that they are there. But you dont have to give them your attention either. Redirect your focus from your internal thoughts to the world around you. Notice the seat beneath you. Notice the sounds you hear. Pretend youre experiencing everything for the first time. Give the world your full attention.And when those worried thoughts rear their ugly heads again, label them as thoughts. Theyre not you, theyre just thoughts. Then, once again, redirect your attention to the world. With practice, your mindfulness powers will grow.(To learn more about the science of a successful life, check out my bestselling book here.)Okay, building mindfulness muscles allows you to keep worries at bay and prevent them from emotionally hijacking your mind. But what if the worries sneak past your defenses?Well, you need to know what the enemy looks like if youre going to seeem comingFind the canaries in your coal mineRecognizing that thoughts are just thoughts takes practice but you can develop the skill relatively quickly. Dealing with emotions is trickier. And the two tend to gang up on you negative thoughts producing negative emotions and vice versa - creating a self-reinforcing loop of awfulness.When we get lost in thought we tend to forget our bodies. You need to start noticing the physical sensations that accompany your emotions. Muscle tightening. Shallow breaths. Sweating. Whatever you do when the worrying heats up. These are the canaries in the coal mine.So make yourself a list. Write down the common thoughts you have when getting worried, the physical sensations that accompany the emotions, and also note what actions you feel driven to take (procrastination, playing video games, record-breaking bourbon consumption, etc.)Get familiar with the list. This is like the supercool planning montage in the heist film, umgebung up all the protagonists tricks before they pay off in the third act.(To learn the two-word morning ritual that will make you happy all day, click here.)This might sound like a lot of planning and preparing. It would be better if your brain had an off switch but sadly thats not available in Sapien OS7. Sorry. So it might seem much easier and more effective to simply avoid things that make you worried.But thats actually the worst thing you can do Avoid avoidingWanting to stay away from anything that reminds you of worries is understandable and natural. HoweverFrom The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook for AnxietyDavid Barlow, a leading expert in the treatment of anxiety disorders, has said that one of the most important things peopl e with anxiety problems can do is to learn to stop avoiding their emotions (Barlow, Allen, and Choate 2004).Why? You need to prove your worries wrong. If you avoid triggers, that just keeps anxieties alive. When you worry and then see your concerns were silly, over time this produces what is called extinction. The worries stop. But if you keep avoiding, youre teaching yourself that these are things to be afraid of. Thats not the path to extinction, thats reinforcement. So worries get stronger.Whenever you have the urge to avoid, you need to realize thats an opportunity to weaken your worries. Its a chance to practice. More mindfulness. Shift your focus away from your thoughts and back to the concrete world.(To learn 5 secrets from neuroscience that will increase your attention span, click here.)Okay, we know the most critical thing not to do but whats is the most critical thing to do?IdentifyEver look back on a moment of worry and say, Wow, I was really freaking out? Thats because y ou didnt realize it in the moment. Worries snuck up on you, you underwent cognitive fusion, they overtook you - and you probably went on to make some bad decisions. So the key here is to identify mounting anxiety as soon as possible.You made your list of canaries, right? Great. You want to start recognizing these when they happen so you can prevent the worry train from leaving the station. The better and quicker you can identify the thoughts, body sensations and action impulses that accompany your worries, the faster you can quell them.Dont underestimate this. Its incredibly powerful. If your hands randomly started swelling, you had trouble breathing and you broke out in bright red hives, youd be terrified. But if you had been diagnosed in the past with allergies and knew ahead of time these were the symptoms, you wouldnt freak out. Youd shrug and take some Benadryl.From The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook for Anxietythe good news is that simply knowing more about the types of things that cue your anxiety or cause you to feel anxious can make your anxiety feel less unpredictable and, as a result, far less overwhelming.When you know what to look for and you identify it, you can control it, or at least cope with it. Youre emotionally housebroken as opposed to letting your feelings pee on the carpet whenever they get the urge.(To learn the secret to never being frustrated again, click here.)Knowing your patterns can give you a good measure of relief. But once youve identified worries are trying to hijack you, what do you do?We already had our heist film planning montage. Now we put that strategy to work EngageDistracting yourself is actually quite effective for worries - in the short term. The problem is you can distract your life away if youre not careful. So the lesson here is that because the problem is anxiety (not fear), because the problem is thoughts (not a real person with a knife), then the solution lies with attention.Ever been overwhelme d worrying about something and then a bigger problem comes up and you completely forget about the original worry? Exactly. So you can shift your attention. Doing it deliberately is the tricky part.This is why we build our mindfulness muscles. You strengthened your attention - now its time to wield it like a weapon. Training yourself to accept worries, redirect your attention and label feelings pays dividends over time. Meditation is so hard because theres nothing going on around you - but mindfulness is much easier when you have something active to engage with.By throwing yourself into experiences, you can leverage their momentum to prevent your brain from shifting back to your worries.From The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook for AnxietyAnother skill that can help you get in touch with the present moment is the DBT mindfulness skill of throwing yourself completely into whatever you are doing in the moment (Linehan 1993b). The goal of this skill is to immerse yourself in your experiences, connecting with them completely. In addition to keeping you grounded in the present moment, this skill will also help you get the most out of what you are doing and fully connect with your life as you live. So, the next time you notice that you are getting caught up in your worries, practice bringing your full attention and awareness back to whatever you are doing at the time. Focus all of your attention on throwing yourself into the experience. If you get distracted by your worry, simply notice this, and then gently return your attention to the present moment and the activity at hand.We often worry and then try to not-worry. Your brain cant not-anything, it can only do something else.Some might say, Isnt engaging the same as distraction? There are similarities but subtle differences. Engaging is going deep while distracting is a going away. When you engage, you do the work of actively shifting your attention and joining the world rather than relying on video ga mes or alcohol to do it for you.So throw yourself into conversations with others. Throw yourself into work or personal projects. This is the path to flow. Or look around and appreciate a sunny day - as corny as it sounds. Dont run away from anxiety run toward something you want to engage in. Embrace the world outside your head and give it your full attention.We hear a lot about our increasingly limited attention spans. We also read a lot about this being an age of anxiety. If its not already clear, let me make it downright crystal these arent unconnected.(To learn 3 secrets from neuroscience that will help you quit bad habits without willpower, click here.)So youre building mindfulness muscles, youre not avoiding, youve identified your canaries and know to engage to get out of your head and into the world. But we still have yet to actually deal directly with those troublesome feelings. Lets fix that, shall we?Tend to your emotionsEmotions dissipate with time. They never feel like t hey will (and thats why we act on them) but they always do. In many ways its analogous to healing unless theres something truly serious, it eventually takes care of itself as long as we stop messing with it. But we love to mess with it.We struggle, avoid, suppress and deny. And thats like emotionally picking at the wound, preventing it from scabbing over.When you tend to your emotions you dont want to redirect your attention but you still want to accept and label. You dont want to identify with them but you do want to feel them. Label them to get distance and investigate them nonjudgmentally. Ask yourself, What is my brain doing? What is my body doing? The distance is built into the question. Youre not anxious but there is anxiety.From The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook for AnxietyThe first step is to catch yourself worrying. Identify that you are worrying and tell yourself, Okay, Im worrying again. The second step is to turn your attention to your body and notice any sensations of emotion that you can identify. You might notice that your muscles are tense, your heart is beating hard or quickly, you have butterflies or a sinking feeling in your stomach, or you feel queasy or nauseated. Whatever you are feeling, simply pay attention to it and notice it. Keep your attention on your body. If your mind strays to other topics or you notice worrisome thoughts creeping into your mind, then gently guide your attention back to your body. Dont let yourself get involved with your worrisome thoughts. Just notice them and return your mind to your body again and again. Try to label or name your emotion, whether its anxiety, dread, fear, trepidation, anger, irritation, shame, or sadness. Tell yourself that its okay that you feel what you feel, that your emotion wont kill you, and try your best to simply let it be there for as long as its there.Investigate, accept and label. The feelings will dissipate. Its a skill. It takes time. But it works. And once you get good at it, its like a superpower.(To learn a clinical psychologists 7 steps for making difficult conversations easy, click here.)So you know how to cope with worries. But how do we prevent them from ever happening again?Use opposite actionThis is some advanced Kung Fu. Take it slow with this one. But, in the end, this is what leads to going from being a chronically worried person to someone who rarely worries. Its a watered-down version of exposure therapy. Its the flip side of avoidance. To use a cliche, its facing your fears.You feel the canaries, you want to do something impulsive or distract yourself but instead, you do the exact opposite and deliberately expose yourself to the thing that is making you anxious.From The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook for Anxiety opposite action works by helping your brain to figure out which of these places or people are not actually dangerous and dont need to be avoided. Once your brain makes that connection, your fear tends to di minish, you stop wanting to avoid things or people, and your life opens up so that you have more freedom to go where you want to go and do what you want to do.You should only use opposite action when its very likely your worries are irrational. The idea of walking down a dark alley in the worst part of town in the middle of the night makes you afraid because walking down a dark alley in the worst part of town in the middle of the night should make you afraid. Were trying to overcome anxious thoughts, not real-life muggers. Dont do anything stupid.Tend to your emotions while youre doing opposite action in order to make it easier. You were anxious the first time you drove a car or started a job or whatever. And now those things not only dont worry you, they may even bore you to tears. The best way out is through.(To learn the 5 questions that will make you emotionally strong, click here.)Okay, weve learned a lot. (But what if they didnt, Eric? Well, I accept that thought and label it blogger worries. And now I redirect my attention to typing.)Lets round everything up and learn about the biggest benefit that comes from mindfully dealing with worry Sum upThis is how to stop worryingBuild your mindfulness muscles Accept, label, redirect attention. Practice daily.Find your canaries The most dangerous emotions are the ones you dont know are affecting you. When you can say, Yeah, this is what happens when the worries start youll not only be relieved, youll also be able to do something constructive about it.Avoid avoiding Avoiding is bad. Youre telling your brain this is something to be afraid of and giving your worries more power.Identify Worries love the surprise attack. Know your canaries and dont let anxiety hijack you.Engage Throw yourself into experiences and give them your full attention. Get out of your head and into the world.Tend to your emotions Investigate, accept and label. The worries will dissipate. This is an excellent skill to build.Use opposite action As long as the scary thing wont kill you, do the scary thing and itll stop being scary.When youre stuck in your head, worrying, you are missing out on life. Missing out on friends, opportunities and all the good stuff in the world. Worry comes at a price and that price is nothing less than all that life has to offer.From The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook for AnxietyYou learn to pay attention to your thoughts, emotions, and experiences in the here and now, and learn to see them for what they are. You learn to step back and notice your current situation, observe your thoughts and emotions, and decide on a wise course of action. Instead of avoiding your emotions at all costs, you can learn to step back and experience them, notice them, and then figure out what to do about them. You learn to disengage from worry, rumination, and obsessive thoughts. You live a richer, fuller life. You enjoy positive experiences more acutely. You learn to be more present with other people. You understand yourself better and with more clarity.Fear makes sense. You should be afraid of the big man with the knife. But anxiety means you are afraid of thoughts. Yeah, nothing but thoughts. Sounds silly when you look at it like that, right? And if you avoid your worries and let them grow stronger, eventually you get afraid of your own brain. And thats a truly terrible place to be, because at least you can run away from the big man with the knife.But being mindful can make your feelings your friends.When you stop focusing on your worries, you can focus on all that is good in your world.Join over 320,000 readers. Get a free weekly update via email here.This article first appeared on Barking up the Wrong Tree.
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Renewable Energys Efficiency Tool
Renewable Energys Efficiency Tool Renewable Energys Efficiency Tool Renewable Energys Efficiency ToolRenewable energys inroads into the United States and other developed countries is well-known, but it also is gaining traction in the developing world. Renewable energy zones in southern and eastern Africa, developed in coordination with the International Renewable Energy Agency, promotes renewable energy development backed by the governments of 19 countries. But identifying the most efficient sites for generation and transmission to load centers can be challenging, which is where a newly developed planning tool promises to increase efficiencies.Kenyas $680-million Lake Turkana wind project, for instance, will generate 310 MW, making it eastern Africas biggest power project. But the project suffers from its remoteness. Its 350 Vestas wind turbines are installed and operational but remain idle because of delays in construction of its 438-kilometer transmission line that will deliver the electricity to Suswa, near Nairobi. The government recently announced the line will not be operational until 2018.Transmission lines and interconnections take longer to build than the turbine farm even without delays. Such issues may have been identified early in the planning process using MapRE, or Multicriteria Analysis for Planning Renewable Energy, saving potentially millions of dollars.Example of the MapRE resources showing wind power density in East Africa. Image Lawrence Berkeley LaboratoryMost renewable energy projects are developer driven, says Ranjit Deshmukh, one of MapREs developers and now a researcher at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. If developers are given the right information, they can identify hotspots of wind and solar resources.Those sweet spots dont always take into account other details of the project, such as the distance from the generating station to the load center and the time it takes to build a projects components. A transmission interconnectio n can take as long or longer than three to five years to build, says Deshmukh. A renewable energy project can be built within a year.Deshmukh points out that the ideal site for a renewable energy project may not be where the sun or wind is most consistent. Other multiple criteria should be considered, including distance to the load center and population density, demand, and wind speed. Environmental and a number of social parameters should be included in decision making. A project could be more efficient and economical if it is built where the sun or wind are not optimal, but closer to where the power is needed. But having the data is the biggest impediment to such an exercise, he says.MapRE provides the data to make better decisions. Deshmukh says he and co-developer Grace Wu at the University of California, Berkeley, spent two years collecting data sets on economic, environmental and other issues for 21 African countries participating in the East Africa and Southern African power pools, talking to utilities and other stakeholders. The tools include items such as wind speeds, timing, and other physical factors such as solar insulation.Used together, planners can identify what Deshmukh calls no regrets sites that are accessible and have low cost and limited impact. Wu, Deshmukh and their colleagues published a paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences on the African work, finding that many countries possess energy development potential many times the projected demand. They argue for dezentral interconnections, noting the most competitive wind and solar resources are spatially uneven. Regional interconnections planned around strategic siting opportunities are crucial for realizing no-regrets wind and solar energy development that can be competitive with conventional generation in African countries.In Africa, Deshmukh points to estimates that show current electricity generation must triple by 2030. Renewables have a place and even an advantage in meeting those needs. Using the tool, he and the papers authors conclude Multicriteria assessment of wind and solar potential for large regions of Africa shows how economically competitive and low-environmental-impact renewable resources can significantly contribute to meeting this demand.Additionally, interconnections and selecting wind sites to match demand reduce the need for South African Power Pool-wide conventional generation capacity by 9.5% in a high-wind scenario, resulting in a 620% cost savings, depending on the avoided conventional technology.Zimbabwe, South Africa, and Kenya now are using MapRE, says Deshmukh, and it is moving to other regions as well. The World Bank is using MapRE in Vietnam to add more solar power to the countrys grid, and the European Climate Fund is using it in a study to find alternatives to a fossil-fuel plant in Bangladesh.One of the goals with the World Bank is to reach out and put tools into the planning process, he says. It has been geared mainly toward planners, policy makers or regulators.The developers musiknote that the open-source tool emphasizes utility-level solar or wind zones, although the spatial models could be used for off-the-grid development. It also includes a set of geographic information systems script tools for renewable energy zoning, allowing customization of a zoning analysis.Deshmukh says the next step is to make the tools easier to use online. He says MapRE, while developed for use in the developing world, can also be used in the U.S. or elsewhere. Wu is now working on an iteration specifically for California where local regulations promote renewable power but siting complications show a lot of time and money wasted in the process, he says. For Further DiscussionOne of the goals with the World Bank is to reach out and put tools into the planning process.Ranjit Deshmukh, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
Monday, December 16, 2019
Be more successful with these tips from Harvard
Be mora successful with behauptung tips from HarvardBe mora successful with these tips from HarvardWe all want to be mora successful.But everything you read probably sounds like a lot of work. Isnt there a scientifically proven method thats a little mora fun? There is.Shawn Achor is the bestselling author of The Happiness Advantageand for years at Harvard he studied exactlythat happiness.FollowLadders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard coveringHappiness,Productivity,Job Satisfaction,Neuroscience, andmoreHe gavean extremelypopular (and, in my opinion, the all-time funniest) TED talk.And his ideaseven attracted the attention of Oprah Winfrey, whofilmed an interview with him.Whats so special about Shawns work? His researchshows that success doesnt bring happiness - happiness brings success.He did what a lot of researchers never do instead of scrubbing the freak outliers from the data he aggressively studied them.He wanted to know what people with happiness superpowers do that we dont.Heres ShawnInstead of deleting those people that are weirdos in the data what we do is we intentionally study them. We try and find out why it is that while an entire sales force has low numbers, were finding three or four people whosesales are skyrocketing. Or were looking at a low socioeconomic school in Chicago, where the academic scores are below average, there are a couple students whose grades are skyrocketing. By studying those outliers, what were doing is were gleaning information not on how to move subpar performersup toward that average point, but how to move people from average to superior.Shawn believes (and his research shows) that you can do things to be happier. And being happier will make you more successful.I gave Shawn a call to find outwhat hes learned. Want more joy and success in your life? Heres what Shawnhad to say.1) Success Brings Happiness? No. Happiness Brings Success.We allchase success hoping itwill make us happyIll be happy onceIget that pr omotion.Ill be happy once I get that raise.Ill be happy onceI lose 15 pounds.But the research shows that isnt true. Youachieve a goal and yourebriefly happier butthen youre looking toward the nextbig thing.What Shawns research showed welcheswhen you flip the formula andfocus on increasing happiness, you end up increasing success.Heres ShawnIf we can get somebody to raise their levels of optimism or deepen their social connection or raise happiness, turns out every single business and educational outcome we know how to test for improves dramatically. You can increase your success rates for the rest of your life and your happiness levels will flatline, but if you raise your level of happiness and deepen optimism it turns out every single one of your success rates rises dramatically compared to what it would have been at negative, neutral, or stressed.MET Life saw such great results among happy salespeople that they tried an experiment they started hiring peoplebased on optimism.And th at was even if those people performed poorly on the standard industry aptitude test. What wasthe result?It turns out that the optimisticgroup outsold their more pessimistic counterparts by 19% in year one and 57% in year two.How can this be? Shawn explained that intelligence and technical skills only predict 25% of successIf we know the intelligence and technical skills of an employee, we can actually only predict about 25% of their job success. 75% of long term job success is predicted not by intelligence and technical skills, which is normally how we hire, educate and train, but its predicted by three other umbrella categories. Its optimism (which is the belief that your behavior matters in the midst of challenge), your social connection (whether or not you have depth and breadth in your social relationships), and the way that you perceive stress.And students who want success in their future shouldworry a little less about grades and more about optimism.Shawn found that rolling a pair of dice was as predictive of your future income as your college GPA is. (And millionaires agree.)(For more on how to be more optimistic, click here.)So your attitude has a huge effect on how successful you are. What was the most powerful thingShawn learned from looking at those happiness outliers?2) landsee Problems As Challenges, Not ThreatsShawn did a study ofbankers right after the huge banking crisis hit. Most of them were incredibly stressed. But a few were happy and resilient.What did those guyshave in common? They didnt see problems as threats they saw them as challenges to overcome.Heres ShawnWhatthese positive outliers do is that when there are changes that occur in the economic landscape or the political landscape or at an educational institution, they see those changes not as threats, but as challenges.So those people are just wired differently and our duty is to envy them, right? Nope. Shawn did an experiment thatprovedthis attitude can be learned.Just by showing th e normal bankers a video explaining how to see stress as a challenge, he turned sad bankers into super-bankers.Heres ShawnAnd we watched those groups of people over the next three to six weeks, and what we found was if we could move people to view stress as enhancing, a challenge instead of as a threat, we saw a 23% drop in their stress-related symptoms. It produced asignificant increasenot only in levels of happiness, but a dramatic improvement in their levels of engagement at work as well.(For more on what the happiest people do every day, click here.)But what aboutwhen theres just too much to do? Maybe there are more challenges than youcan handle.Should we just give up onany chanceofwork-life balance? Cancel those plans with friends and spend more hours at the office?Once again the answer is the exact opposite.3) Twice As Much Work Means You Need Friends Twice As MuchAfter doing his undergraduate workat Harvard, Shawn was a proctor there, helping freshman adapt to the often stres sful, competitive environment.Many students would respond to the workload by livingin the library and eating meals in their bedrooms so they could keep studying.Did those students perform better? No. Those were the ones who burned out the ones who ended up wanting to transfer to another school.Shawn would tell them what they had unknowingly done was cut themselves off from the greatest predictor of happiness.Heres ShawnThe people who survive stress the best are the ones who actually increase their social investments in the middle of stress, which is the opposite of what most of us do.Turns out that social connection is the greatest predictor of happiness we have when I ansturm them in my studies. When we run social support metrics, they trump everything else we do, every time.And what did we just learn about happiness? It predicts success. And it was no different hereWe found that social connection is extremely important for predicting academic achievement.Want to resist stress, inc rease productivity and get a promotion? Then dont just seek social support - provide it to others.Confirming the research of top Wharton professorAdam Grant, people who provide social support get some of the greatest benefits.Shawn saw this not only with his students at Harvard but hes since advised over a third of the Fortune 100 companies - and it worked there too.Heres ShawnWork altruists were ten times more likely to be engaged than the bottom quartile of that list and the top quartile was significantly happier and 40% more likely to receive a promotion over the next 2-year period of time.(For more on how work altruism can benefit you, click here.)Some of you might be thinking, Alright already, happiness makes you more successful. I get it.But how do I get happier?Its simpler than you think.4) Send A Thank You Email Every MorningYou mightthink happiness only comes from big wins or big achievements. Youre wrong. Research shows little things are more important.So Shawn believes rather than focusing onbig boosts like vacations, its smarter to build little, consistent habits akin to brushing your teeth.What little habit gives a big happiness boost over time? Send a 2-minute thank you email or text as soon as you get into the office.Heres ShawnThe simplest thing you can do is a two-minute email praising or thanking one partie that you know. Weve done this at Facebook, at US Foods, weve done this at Microsoft. We had them write a two-minute email praising or thanking one person they know, and a different person each day for 21 days in a row. Thats it. What we find is this dramatically increases their social connection which is the greatest predictor of happiness we have in organizations. It also improves teamwork. Weve measuredthe collective IQ of teams and the collective years of experience of teams but both of those metrics are trumped by social cohesion.What other little daily happiness habits does Shawn recommend?List the things youre grateful for.Meditate .Exercise.(For more on five emails that can improve your life, click here.)Over 120,000 people receive my weekly email. And its sent from my real email address. People can reply. And they do.Whats one of the most common things readers email me to say?Eric, you suggest all these great things. I read them. I agree with them. But I dont end up doingany of them.How can I follow through?Shawn has a great answer for this too.5) The 20-Second RuleWhat stops you from making the changes you know you should? Shawn says its activation energy.You know, like the activation energy it takes to initially get your butt off the couch and to the gym. The hard part is getting started.If you reduce the amount of activation energy required, tough things become easy. So make new habits 20 seconds easier to start.Shawn would sleep in hisgym clothes and put hissneakers next to the bed and it made him much more likely to exercise when hewoke up.Heres ShawnIf you can make the positive habit three to 20 second s easier to start, youre likelihood of doing it rises dramatically.And you can do the same thing by flipping it for negative habits.Watching too much television? Merely take out the batteries of the remote control creatinga 20 second delay and it dramatically decreases the amount of television people will watch.(For more easy ways to build new habits, click here.)So how do we pull all this together? And what was the most inspiring thing Shawn told me about happiness and success?Sum UpHeres what we can all learn from ShawnSuccess doesnt bring happiness. Happiness brings success.See problems as challenges, not threats.morawork means you need moresocial support. And giving support is better than receiving.Send a 2-minute thank you email every morning.Use the 20-second rule to build the habit.Some people might think its too hard to get happier. Maybe theyve suffered from depression.Or theyve seen the research that we have a happiness platzset point, and our genetics ultimately decide ho w happy we can be.You know what the most inspiring thing Shawn told me was? The latest research showsgood habits might trump genes.Heres ShawnWhen you look at outliers on the graph, you find people who actually break the tyranny of genes and environment by creating these conscious positive habits that actually cause them to interact with life in a more positive way with higher levels of success, lower levels of stress, and higher levels of resilience. They do it by changing their mindset and changing their habits, and by doing so they actually trump their genes.Most people acceptthat theyre just born some way and thats how theyre going to be the rest of their life, and whatever they were last year is what theyre going to be this year. I think positive psychology shows us that that doesnt actually have to be the case.Send a gratitude email right now. It only takes 2 minutes. And send another one tomorrow.That habit will make you happier. And being happier will make you more successfu l and deepen your relationships.Happiness. Success. Strong relationships. What else reallymatters?Join over 285,000 readers.Get a free weekly update via emailhere.Related postsHow To Stop Being Lazy And Get More Done 5 Expert Tips6 Things The Most Productive People Do Every Day8 Things The Worlds Most Successful People All Have In CommonThis article originally appeared at Barking Up the Wrong Tree.Be more successful with these tips from HarvardWe all want to be more successful.But everything you read probably sounds like a lot of work. Isnt there a scientifically proven method thats a little more fun? There is.Shawn Achor is the bestselling author of The Happiness Advantageand for years at Harvard he studied exactlythat happiness.He gavean extremelypopular (and, in my opinion, the all-time funniest) TED talk.And his ideaseven attracted the attention of Oprah Winfrey, whofilmed an interview with him.Whats so special about Shawns work? His researchshows that success doesnt bring happ iness - happiness brings success.He did what a lot of researchers never do instead of scrubbing the freak outliers from the data he aggressively studied them.He wanted to know what people with happiness superpowers dothat we dont.Heres ShawnInstead of deleting those people that are weirdos in the data what we do is we intentionally study them. We try and find out why it is that while an entire sales force has low numbers, were finding three or four people whosesales are skyrocketing. Or were looking at a low socioeconomic school in Chicago, where the academic scores are below average, there are a couple students whose grades are skyrocketing. By studying those outliers, what were doing is were gleaning information not on how to move subpar performersup toward that average point, but how to move people from average to superior.Shawn believes (and his research shows) that you can do things to be happier. And being happier will make you more successful.I gave Shawn a call to find outw hat hes learned. Want more joy and success in your life? Heres what Shawnhad to say.1) Success Brings Happiness? No. Happiness Brings Success.We allchase success hoping itwill make us happyIll be happy onceIget that promotion.Ill be happy once I get that raise.Ill be happy onceI lose 15 pounds.But the research shows that isnt true. Youachieve a goal and yourebriefly happier butthen youre looking toward the nextbig thing.What Shawns research showed waswhen you flip the formula andfocus on increasing happiness, you end up increasing success.Heres ShawnIf we can get somebody to raise their levels of optimism or deepen their social connection or raise happiness, turns out every single business and educational outcome we know how to test for improves dramatically. You can increase your success rates for the rest of your life and your happiness levels will flatline, but if you raise your level of happiness and deepen optimism it turns out every single one of your success rates rises drama tically compared to what it would have been at negative, neutral, or stressed.MET Life saw such great results among happy salespeople that they tried an experiment they started hiring peoplebased on optimism.And that was even if those people performed poorly on the standard industry aptitude test. What wasthe result?It turns out that the optimisticgroup outsold their more pessimistic counterparts by 19% in year one and 57% in year two.How can this be? Shawn explained that intelligence and technical skills only predict 25% of successIf we know the intelligence and technical skills of an employee, we can actually only predict about 25% of their job success. 75% of long term job success is predicted not by intelligence and technical skills, which is normally how we hire, educate and train, but its predicted by three other umbrella categories. Its optimism (which is the belief that your behavior matters in the midst of challenge), your social connection (whether or not you have depth an d breadth in your social relationships), and the way that you perceive stress.And students who want success in their future shouldworry a little less about grades and more about optimism.Shawn found that rolling a pair of dice was as predictive of your future income as your college GPA is. (And millionaires agree.)(For more on how to be more optimistic, click here.)So your attitude has a huge effect on how successful you are. What was the most powerful thingShawn learned from looking at those happiness outliers?2) See Problems As Challenges, Not ThreatsShawn did a study ofbankers right after the huge banking crisis hit. Most of them were incredibly stressed. But a few were happy and resilient.What did those guyshave in common? They didnt see problems as threats they saw them as challenges to overcome.Heres ShawnWhatthese positive outliers do is that when there are changes that occur in the economic landscape or the political landscape or at an educational institution, they see those changes not as threats, but as challenges.So those people are just wired differently and our duty is to envy them, right? Nope. Shawn did an experiment thatprovedthis attitude can be learned.Just by showing the normal bankers a video explaining how to see stress as a challenge, he turned sad bankers into super-bankers.Heres ShawnAnd we watched those groups of people over the next three to six weeks, and what we found was if we could move people to view stress as enhancing, a challenge instead of as a threat, we saw a 23% drop in their stress-related symptoms. It produced asignificant increasenot only in levels of happiness, but a dramatic improvement in their levels of engagement at work as well.(For more on what the happiest people do every day, click here.)But what aboutwhen theres just too much to do? Maybe there are more challenges than youcan handle.Should we just give up onany chanceofwork-life balance? Cancel those plans with friends and spend more hours at the office?Once a gain the answer is the exact opposite.3) Twice As Much Work Means You Need Friends Twice As MuchAfter doing his undergraduate workat Harvard, Shawn was a proctor there, helping freshman adapt to the often stressful, competitive environment.Many students would respond to the workload by livingin the library and eating meals in their bedrooms so they could keep studying.Did those students perform better? No. Those were the ones who burned out the ones who ended up wanting to transfer to another school.Shawn would tell them what they had unknowingly done was cut themselves off from the greatest predictor of happiness.Heres ShawnThe people who survive stress the best are the ones who actually increase their social investments in the middle of stress, which is the opposite of what most of us do.Turns out that social connection is the greatest predictor of happiness we have when I run them in my studies. When we run social support metrics, they trump everything else we do, every time.And what did we just learn about happiness? It predicts success. And it was no different hereWe found that social connection is extremely important for predicting academic achievement.Want to resist stress, increase productivity and get a promotion? Then dont just seek social support - provide it to others.Confirming the research of top Wharton professorAdam Grant, people who provide social support get some of the greatest benefits.Shawn saw this not only with his students at Harvard but hes since advised over a third of the Fortune 100 companies - and it worked there too.Heres ShawnWork altruists were ten times more likely to be engaged than the bottom quartile of that list and the top quartile was significantly happier and 40% more likely to receive a promotion over the next 2-year period of time.(For more on how work altruism can benefit you, click here.)Some of you might be thinking, Alright already, happiness makes you more successful. I get it.But how do I get happier?Its simple r than you think.4) Send A Thank You Email Every MorningYou mightthink happiness only comes from big wins or big achievements. Youre wrong. Research shows little things are more important.So Shawn believes rather than focusing onbig boosts like vacations, its smarter to build little, consistent habits akin to brushing your teeth.What little habit gives a big happiness boost over time? Send a 2-minute thank you email or text as soon as you get into the office.Heres ShawnThe simplest thing you can do is a two-minute email praising or thanking one person that you know. Weve done this at Facebook, at US Foods, weve done this at Microsoft. We had them write a two-minute email praising or thanking one person they know, and a different person each day for 21 days in a row. Thats it. What we find is this dramatically increases their social connection which is the greatest predictor of happiness we have in organizations. It also improves teamwork. Weve measuredthe collective IQ of teams and the collective years of experience of teams but both of those metrics are trumped by social cohesion.What other little daily happiness habits does Shawn recommend?List the things youre grateful for.Meditate.Exercise.(For more on five emails that can improve your life, click here.)Over 120,000 people receive my weekly email. And its sent from my real email address. People can reply. And they do.Whats one of the most common things readers email me to say?Eric, you suggest all these great things. I read them. I agree with them. But I dont end up doingany of them.How can I follow through?Shawn has a great answer for this too.5) The 20-Second RuleWhat stops you from making the changes you know you should? Shawn says its activation energy.You know, like the activation energy it takes to initially get your butt off the couch and to the gym. The hard part is getting started.If you reduce the amount of activation energy required, tough things become easy. So make new habits 20 seconds easier to start.Shawn would sleep in hisgym clothes and put hissneakers next to the bed and it made him much more likely to exercise when hewoke up.Heres ShawnIf you can make the positive habit three to 20 seconds easier to start, youre likelihood of doing it rises dramatically.And you can do the same thing by flipping it for negative habits.Watching too much television? Merely take out the batteries of the remote control creatinga 20 second delay and it dramatically decreases the amount of television people will watch.(For more easy ways to build new habits, click here.)So how do we pull all this together? And what was the most inspiring thing Shawn told me about happiness and success?Sum UpHeres what we can all learn from ShawnSuccess doesnt bring happiness. Happiness brings success.See problems as challenges, not threats.Morework means you need moresocial support. And giving support is better than receiving.Send a 2-minute thank you email every morning.Use the 20-second rule to build t he habit.Some people might think its too hard to get happier. Maybe theyve suffered from depression.Or theyve seen the research that we have a happiness set point, and our genetics ultimately decide how happy we can be.You know what the most inspiring thing Shawn told me was? The latest research showsgood habits might trump genes.Heres ShawnWhen you look at outliers on the graph, you find people who actually break the tyranny of genes and environment by creating these conscious positive habits that actually cause them to interact with life in a more positive way with higher levels of success, lower levels of stress, and higher levels of resilience. They do it by changing their mindset and changing their habits, and by doing so they actually trump their genes.Most people acceptthat theyre just born some way and thats how theyre going to be the rest of their life, and whatever they were last year is what theyre going to be this year. I think positive psychology shows us that that does nt actually have to be the case.Send a gratitude email right now. It only takes 2 minutes. And send another one tomorrow.That habit will make you happier. And being happier will make you more successful and deepen your relationships.Happiness. Success. Strong relationships. What else reallymatters?Join over 285,000 readers.Get a free weekly update via emailhere.Related postsHow To Stop Being Lazy And Get More Done 5 Expert Tips6 Things The Most Productive People Do Every Day8 Things The Worlds Most Successful People All Have In CommonThis article originally appeared at Barking Up the Wrong Tree.
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
5 Metrics to Help You Track the ROI of Your Employer Brand
5 Metrics to Help You Track the ROI of Your Employer Brand5 Metrics to Help You Track the ROI of Your Employer BrandThe Hudson RPO study found that 66 percent of responding HR managers anticipated an increase in the importance of employer brand, but only 16 percent measured their employer brand in the first place.While you arent expected to play the role of a full-time data scientist, theres no denying that the role of HR has expanded to include supervising and quantifying a companys employer brand. Tracking and measuring this data helps you gain a more complex understanding of your companys employer brand in the marketplace and also allows you to understand the ROI of your time investment.Tracking this information manually is more difficult than connecting with social listening and intelligence tools available on the market. But for many HR managers, its the fruchtwein cost-effective way to stay on top of their employer brand without making it a second full-time job. As you begin to monitor your employer brand, here are several metrics you can track to show your progress.Employee retention tarifWhile many factors contribute to a companys retention rate, such as location, the local candidate pool and company growth, your overall retention rate provides a reliable temperature gauge of your employer brand.If employees enjoy working at your company, they will stay. Depending on the size of your company, track this number monthly or quarterly to binnensee if your performance is improving or stagnating. The more you work on the pillars of your employer brand, such as attracting the right candidates and living out the companys belief system, the higher your retention rate should climb.Cost-per-hireSimilar logic works for the cost-per-hire metric and employee retention rate. Many external factors affect this metric, but its a helpful source of information about how your recruitment efforts are changing over time. The more accurate your companys hiring pages and the be tter your word-of-mouth reputation become, the lower this metric should sink.Employee referralsThe number of employee referrals you receive is also a good indication of your employer brand. How many referrals do you receive per month and per year? Are your employees recommending their friends and families to the company, or do you receive 100 percent of your incoming applicants from job search engines?If none of your employees are referring their network to your openings, it may indicate that they are not recommending the workplace. The more authentic your workplace becomes, and the more you hire employees who match it, the more referrals you should see coming from those employees.Simply Hireds Employer Brand IndexPerhaps it goes without saying, but Simply Hireds Employer Brand Index is an excellent metric in two different ways. First, it allows you to see how other brands perform over time in the top 25 Trending Now scores. You can also track your own progress on the index to see h ow your employer brand is translating into more clicks and views for your companys open positions.Mentions per month, quarter and yearOf course you should also monitor the fine line between employer brand and employer PR by monitoring mentions of your company each month, quarter and year. Set up a Google Alert for press mentions, employee reviews and other mentions for your brand and collect them over time. Track how many mentions you receive each month, quarter and year to catch identifiable trends as they develop.Social media scoresIf your organization generates a good deal of content, use its social media score to track general reach and progress. For example, logging into a Klout account will give you access to a Klout score that may adjust each month according to your efforts. Keep in mind, however, that this score is not directly tied to your employer brand. Its a better measure of your brands authority within its industry. Still, this is a good metric to keep in mind in terms of market saturation and awareness, which do filter into your employer brand.Ongoing surveysFinally, dont overlook the power of ongoing internal surveys. If you can take the time to set up a short, free survey for your employees, you will gain access to a world of insights. You can also send these surveys out automatically to gain insight into your employees changing views and perceptions about your brand. Track these metrics over time to see how the changes you implement and the work you do affects your employees perceptions and sentiments.As you consider which metrics will reveal the most accurate depiction of your employer brand, its important to understand that the value of some employer brand metrics will vary according to your situation. For example, enterprise organizations have different needs, expectations and amounts of data. Local and national organizations may also experience a different variety or depth of data. Every company should be able to determine a selection of effective metrics, or Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), that can help them understand and manipulate their employer brand.
Saturday, December 7, 2019
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The Hidden Treasure of Build a Resume Online Free Career Services offers many on-line resources to help you in composing a professional resume. Preparing an accurate resume isnt a simple job Resume summar ies are extremely vital. Zetys resume templates are made with the aid of recruiters and adhere to the best practices in HR. The Most Popular Build a Resume Online Free Youre certain to get quite a few great suggestions. A fundamental text editor free of charge, providing you a printable resume template. A complete alternative for candidates with a great deal of experience who want to have a really good one-page resume template. You also receive the choice to settle on a template from the bunch of beautiful resume templets out there. Or if you prefer to physically get a copy of the finished product. Youre able to make money on the internet by just answering questions and providing the proper info to people based on their individualistic conditions. Your contact information is only going to be shared when you decide to respond to an employer. Even then youre unable to discover the informative and accurate details. The Bad Secret of Build a Resume Online Free A room full of quiet applicants all vying for the exact same job isnt unlike a stack of resumes an employer faces when theres an open position. A lot of people dont like their present job or career. You may have gotten a promotion or two at your very first job and are now seeking to test your possibility in the work market with some actual experience under your belt. Studying resumes of individuals who hold, or have held the kind of job that youre pursuing, is also beneficial. If youre open to different varieties of jobs, let us know. Dispensary jobs are a few of the most coveted positions. Finding dispensary jobs is the simple part. The job, the market, and the institution proved not the correct fit for me. Build a Resume Online Free - Is it a Scam? In a small quantity of time it is simple to create a professional-looking, higher quality resume. Custom writing means a significant company with high standards. Check to be certain youre providing all of the info required and clearly def ine your skill sets concerning application requirements. A superb work history acts as a pedestal that may lead to an excellent amount of succeeding.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Jobs For Women At Morgan Stanley
Jobs For Women At Morgan Stanley Morgan Stanley is hiring for their Financial Advisor Associate Program. We sat down with Emily Reighart, Regional Recruiter, to learn mora about what kind of person makes a good fit for the program and to get her tips for acing the interview. Read on to learn moreWhat traits are you looking for in your next gruppe member?Emily Reighart Camaraderie, respect, professionalism someone who is willing and able to speak up and share their opinion and ideas.Why do women and underrepresented talent feel they can thrive at Morgan Stanley?ER As a woman working at Morgan Stanley in a hiring capacity, I know firsthand that women and underrepresented talent are extremely valued. Morgan Stanley frequently shares firm-wide stories and celebrates female employees who have seen success and made an impact in their roles. The firm is supportive and encouraging to women who desire to pursue leadership positions within the industry.What does the interview process look like at Morgan Stanley and how long does it usually take?ER Once a prospective candidate completes and passes assessments as part of our online application, they are moved forward to speak with a recruiter. From here, the candidate will complete an online video interview. If selected to progress, he or she may meet in person with a hiring manager and complete a business plan the business plan outlines their game plan for success as they build up their book of business as a financial advisor.Whats a hot tip about your interview process that you can share with the PowerToFly community?ER While there are multiple steps to the process, taking the schritte to get them done allows you to control the hiring timeline and shows your initiative. Also, if ever your application is not moved forward during a certain point in the interview process, youre always encouraged to try again in 3 months timeCan you relay an encouraging anecdote about someone who was hired by your company who may have though t it was a long shot, or they applied multiple times?ER This happens more often than you might think Many candidates have reattempted the online application assessments more than once and have still joined the firm.What do you love most about working at Morgan Stanley?ER I love working for a large firm, as the opportunities here are many. Morgan Stanley offers a collaborative culture, and my colleagues - direct and indirect - have always been respectful and friendly.Morgan Stanley is an equal opportunity employer committed to diversifying its workforce (M/F/Disability/Vet).Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC. Member SIPC. CRC 2379060 (02/19)From Your Site Articles PowerToFly Blog - women-in-finance An Invite-Only Evening with Morgan Stanleys FAA Women Leaders ... One of the biggest challenges in almost all industries today is achieving gender parity. Gender diversity provides huge benefits in the workplace. pWhile some industries have made significant advancements in gender diversity, some industries lag further behind... and the construction industry is well-known for being in the latter category. If someone says, construction workers, youll likely picture a group of men in yellow hard hats analyzing an architects plans or laying bricks on top of a scaffold. And men at work signs only help to reinforce this image.pThis stereotype is rooted in reality. When was the last time you actually spotted a woman on a construction site? Or hired a female plumber or carpenter? Your answer is most likely never. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statisticsreports that only 3.4% of the total of 8.3 million construction employees are women.pBut the construction industry has a lot more to offer than steel-toed boots and hard hats, and it needs women to help advance the industry in this era of rapid change. Here are 5 reasons why women joining the workforce or looking to make a pivot should consider a career in construction.h21. Fuel Innovation/h2pNot only is diversity the socially and morally right thing to do, but it is also actually an excellent business strategy. pResearch presented in the Harvard Business Reviewshows that diverse teams develop more innovative ideas. This is further supported by a study conducted by Gallupon the performance of gender-diverse teams versus single-gender teams, which found that the difference in backgrounds and perspectives led to better business performance and problem-solving. h22. Capitalize on Demand/h2pThe construction industry is currently experiencing a labor shortage. The industry itself is booming and projected to be one of the fastest-growing industries, with total spending projected to exceed $1.45 trillion in 2023/a. However, most construction companies are unable to meet the rising demand. pAccording to the Associated General Contractors of America/a, more than 80% of contracto rs are experiencing difficulties filling hourly craft positions that represent the bulk of the construction workforce.pAnd demand isnt limited to individual contributor roles. Given the industry boom, there are a number of open stable and high-paying roles (any project managers out there?) waiting for the right candidateh23. Leadership Opportunities/h2pAccording to the Bureau of Labor Statistics/a, women compose only 7.7% of the total 1 million managerial positions in construction.br/pBut given the highly collaborative nature of construction work, more women in leadership roles would help drive innovation and enhance productivity.Furthermore, as a woman in construction in a leadership position, youd have the unique opportunity to drive change for the industry and make it a more attractive option for other women.h24. High-Income Potential/h2pSalaries for many skilled positions in construction are on the rise, making a construction career a prime choice for women looking for a high-pa ying job,pThe 2018 Construction Craft Salary Surveyconducted by the National Center for Construction Education and Research revealed that salaries for many skilled craft areas are increasing. Project managers and project supervisors topped the list at $92,523 and $88,355, respectively. The next set of highest-paying jobs include those of combo welders ($71,067), instrumentation technicians ($70,080), pipe welders ($69,222), power line workers ($68,262) and industrial electricians ($67,269). Of the 32 categories of workers in the survey, 19 positions earned an average salary of $60,000 or higher.h25. Sense of accomplishment/h2p The construction industry can give employees a unique sense of achievement. Yes, the job is stressful and the work can be demanding, but nothing beats the feeling of being able to build something from the ground up. pHow many professionals in other industries can point at a school, a hospital, or a skyscraper and say I helped build that?pThe construction indus try has a long way to go in combating gender bias and supporting women in the workforce, but given the current demand for workers, theres no better time to pick up a sledgehammer (figurative or literal) and smash the gender stereotypes plaguing the construction industry.
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